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Breakfast, Cuppylicious!, Sauces and Dips, The Daring Cooks' Challenge

Hollandaise Sauce

Hollandaise Sauce on top of Eggs Benedict

Hollandaise Sauce on top of Eggs Benedict

Jenn and Jill challenged The Daring Cooks to learn to perfect the technique of poaching an egg for the December 2010 Daring Cooks’ Challenge. They chose an Eggs Benedict recipe from Alton Brown, Oeufs en Meurette from Cooking with Wine by Anne Willan, and Homemade Sundried Tomato & Pine Nut Seitan Sausages (poached) courtesy of Trudy of Veggie num num.

Total time: 35 minutes

3 large egg yolks
1 tsp. (5 ml) water
¼ tsp. (1 ¼ ml/1½ g) sugar
12 Tbl. (170 g/6 oz.) unsalted butter, chilled and cut in small pieces
½ tsp. (2 ½ ml/3 g) kosher salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice
Pinch cayenne pepper (optional)

1. Fill a medium saucepan halfway with water and bring to a simmer.
2. Cut the chilled butter into small pieces and set aside.
3. Whisk egg yolks and 1 tsp. (5 ml) water in a mixing bowl large enough to sit on the saucepan without touching the water (or in top portion of a double boiler). Whisk for 1–2 minutes, until egg yolks lighten. Add the sugar and whisk 30 seconds more.
4. Place bowl on saucepan over simmering water and whisk steadily 3–5 minutes (it only took about 3 for me) until the yolks thicken to coat the back of a spoon.
5. Remove from heat (but let the water continue to simmer) and whisk in the butter, 1 piece at a time. Move the bowl to the pan again as needed to melt the butter, making sure to whisk constantly.
6. Once all the butter is incorporated, remove from heat and whisk in the salt, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper (if using).

This is slow, time consuming and absolutely perfect. The general principle for Hollandaise sauce is 1 egg to 4-6 Tbsp of butter. The only thing I might change for me is dropping down to 10 Tbsp of butter, as I felt it was a little too buttery with my 12 Tbsp of butter (I use only real salted butter). Once on top of my Eggs Benedict, I didn’t notice so much.

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